This just seems unprofessional: Iraqi reporter throws shoes at President Bush

One Iraqi journalist set out to prove that the shoe was mightier than the pen... by throwing two at President Bush at a press conference in Baghdad. Media reports are saying that the gesture is one of the worst insults in Iraqi culture.

Which strikes me as odd. Austin powers would say, "Who throws a shoe? Honestly."

But apparently to do so is an insult in Muslim culture. I'm not familiar enough with it to know any better, but when I read that, I instantly had a mental picture of how funny it would be if we all just threw shoes everytime we wanted to insult someone. I'd be shoeless like at least once a week.

It's just downright unprofessional. I mean, I'm sure there are tons of people that would love to throw things at our lame (duck) president, but to throw not one, but two shoes?

You have to wonder what he was thinking.

Apparently the president isn't taking offense, I mean, the whole invasion thing, ect. and blah blah blah, water under the (blown up) Iraqi bridge right? He's laughing the incident off.

And I guess the president should be happy that it was a pair of shoes and not something like a ninja star.