You can't legislate common sense, but damn it, New Jersey lawmakers will try...

It's morning, you've just pounded your shrieking alarm into silence. You pop open your bleary eyes, look out the window and there's like four solid inches of gleaming snow covering the ground... and your car.

Ugh. If you're like me, there's nothing worse than trudging through the snow in your "business casual" attire, and spending five teeth-chattering minutes knocking all the snow off your car. I belong in a subtropical climate somewhere with no snow, and temps that never dip below 80 degrees. <--- tangent.

But you do it anyway, because you don't want to be that asshole on the Parkway, doing 40 mph, straddling the lane divider, hunched over the steering wheel peering through the small viewing hole underneath a mound of snow whirling off the back of your car like a wind tunnel experiment in an aerodynamic car-testing lab somewhere.

And maybe it's not snow, but ice. Then, if you try to be lazy about it, you've got ice shards flying all over the road, spraying out little icicle daggers at BMWs.

It's annoying. A hazard. And now, thanks to NJ lawmakers, it's illegal.

Now, that chunk of snow could cost you a chunk of dough.

Cops can pull you over and write a ticket... (but how will you see those flashing lights if your car is covered with snow?)

So, even though it's so much more fun to just use your credit card to erase a small viewing square from the windshield and drive really fast, it's not worth a $200 fine.